Management School

Program presentation

Often promoted as managers based on specialist skills, people do not acquire the necessary skills to exercise the new role: it is tacitly assumed that they will learn and manage “on the go”.

The experience we have gained over the years in working with managers has confirmed that a coherent, sustained, regularly tracked program produces significantly better results than isolated training sessions.

Effects are more visible when all management levels are involved in the program.

The purpose of this set of programs is to:

  • equip the managers with a full set of knowledge, techniques and tools required by an effective  manager and leader
  • develop skills essential to a quality management and leadership.

Who is the program for?

It addresses to professionals with managerial roles and business owners, as well as their employees.

Benefits for the participants

The program is built in modules, according to the development needs of managers. The modules that make up the program help the participants to:

  • understand the role of a manager
  • develop the mindset needed to successfully address the management role
  • relate correctly and productively to people
  • create a healthy emotional climate based on collaboration, respect and trust
  • to set motivating goals, understood and agreed by the team
  • understand change, communicate it effectively and know how to run it
  • prioritize and plan activities
  • manage their own and their people’s decisions and effectively delegate responsibilities.

Training modules

360° initial assessment for managers involved in the program.

I. The mentality and the role of the manager

  1. The role of the manager
  2. The manager as a person & his/her personality
  3. Leadership styles

II. Networking tools

  1. People management tools (listening, communication mechanism, people-to-people transactions, feedback, emotional connection, asertivity)
  2. Working environment
  3. Organizational culture – the key role of managers

 III. Management tools

  1. Assessment and team management
  2. The science and art of delegation
  3. Management and change leadership
  4. Prioritising the activity
  5. Planning of the steps and actions
  6. Organising the information
  7. Coaching – essential tool for today’s managers
  8. Managerial presentation skills
  9. Creativity and innovation in business

360° final assessment, implementation suggestions.

Develop the skills for being a successful manager!
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