Employee School

Program presentation

Often employed or promoted in organizations, people do not acquire the skills needed to exercise the new role: it is tacitly assumed that they will learn and manage “on the go”.

In addition to the specific skills of each individual profession, people cannot perform without the essential skills for the role of employee, whether manager or not: This implies responsibility, self-employment, communication and networking, tact and empathy, asertivity, self-understanding, emotional intelligence, digital skills, planning and organization, creativity & innovation, changing navigation and crisis management, public spam, prioritization and resilience…

 The experience we have accumulated over the years in working with many organizations has confirmed us as a program

  • consistent,
  • steady,
  • regularly monitored,

produces significantly better effects than isolated training sessions.  These are more visible when several levels of the organizational pyramid are involved in the program.

The purpose of this set of programs is to:

  • provide people with a complete set of paradigms, knowledge, techniques and tools required by an efficient employee/manager,
  • develop essential skills for life in organizations.

Who is the program for?

All those who belong to organizations of any kind, in any field of activity.

Benefits for the participants

The program is designed in a modular way, especially for the development needs of employees.  The modules of the program help participants to:

  • understand the role of an employee
  • develop the mindset needed to successfully address its role
  • relate correctly and productively to people
  • personally contributes to a healthy emotional climate based on collaboration, respect and trust
  • set motivating objectives at individual level
  • understand change, accept it and react productively
  • prioritize and plan activities and organize
  • manage its decisions and receive the responsibilities delegated to it well.
  • acquire a digital culture
  • Find the internal emotional resources, self-motivation and resilience needed in the world we live in.

Training modules

Initial 360° evaluation for those involved in the program.

I. The mindset and role of the employee

  1. Employee role
  2. Employee person & personality
  3. “Followership” Art: Adapting to leadership styles
  4. Personal responsibility
  5. “self-control”® (self – awareness) & self-control
  6. Optimism, energy & self-motivation
  7. Virtues and personal values
  8. The ingredients of personal success®: Self-adhesion
  9. Ways of personal evolution: O.R.C.A.®

II. Networking tools

  • Communication & Networking tools (listening, communication mechanism, people-to-people transactions, personality patterns, assertivity)
  • Working climate: Feedback, empathy, emotional connection
  • Organizational culture – the key role of employees

 III. Team – teamwork tools

  1. Team diagnostics: From group to team
  2. Delegation from an employee’s perspective
  3. Shift navigation
  4. Crisis management
  5. Prioritize your activity
  6. Planning of the steps and actions
  7. Organization of information
  8. Peer Coaching – a critical team tool
  9. Public presentation skills
  10. Creativity and innovation in business
  11. Critical Thinking

360° final assessment, implementation suggestions.

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