
Our approach

Working with more than 70.000 people in more than 20 years of continuous activity, with various organizations from Romania and abroad, our consultants have gained significant experience. This is the guarantee that INSPIRES programs provide a memorable learning experience.

Our customers have recognized over the years the unique style of our consultants, the combination between a living, alert style and relevant examples, good quality humor and pragmatism in translating concepts into results.

We are confident that the mix of our consultants’ experience and style on the one hand and the proven quality of the Know-How on the other hand will lead to a memorable learning experience for the participants, with concrete results in their work inside the organization.

We all face new challenges and companies that want to stay ahead need successful initiatives, with intensifying adaptation mechanisms. INSPIRES can be a your partner in providing the key players inside your organization with the skills needed to manage critical changes and better train your leaders to drive change… remotely, if needed. We can also help you align your current strategies to today’s and tomorrow’s ever-changing business goals.


Vast Experience

Our consultants have trained more than 70.000 people from various organizations from Romania and abroad.

Unique style

The combination of a vivid, alert, informal presentation style with the provision of relevant examples, good quality humour and pragmatism provides the guarantee of a memorable course experience.

Concrete results in the organization

The long-term impact of the sessions held by the INSPIRES consultants is reinforced by customer feedback over time.